Song for share

Friday, May 29, 2020

Thoughts revisit (Part 1)

5 years. 

5 years since I shared my thoughts about anything and everything around me. 

Honestly, it was rather nostalgic reading back all of my posts, a little stressed too. Never noticed how serious I was back then. Now the thing is, how am I going to "one up" from the last few posts I did?

Let's dive straight with things that happened recently before I go into the more interesting parts in the 5 years period. So, *finger snap* turn that flow of time backwards.

So, I have been doing some podcasts and currently coming up with a series on EQ and Emotions. EQ with DQ, catchy? Rather new experience for me to share my thoughts that I have been wanting to try out. It wasn't easy from the start, because I have been only doing on a more personal basis. Nonetheless, it is an interesting experience. While I was testing out contents, I was requested to cover various topics, and i came across the topic about Social Awareness. It got me thinking, ain't that a nice topic to discuss?! (by the way i just found out that there is a name for ?!, it's called interrobang). Anyway, I did my first attempt on Facebook Live, check it out!

That is all for today! There are lots more to share but let's not make this post too long to read. So, with this, I will be officiating the EQ with DQ content! Catch me EVERY Thursday night at 9.00pm. Premiering at June 18, 2020. Will be posting on my Facebook profile. See you guys soon.

Signing off! Ja~~